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What is this "Happy Hour with Cameron Stiehl" thing anyway?

Allow me to share with you my Concept Summary. It may be a bit rough, but we're getting there.


Building Bridges…One Cocktail at a Time



“Fear is the highest fence.” – Dudley Nichols

“Let’s break it down.” – Cameron Stiehl


As humans, we fear the unknown. We are nervous around strangers and doubly so around strangers who seem very different from us. But sit down with a stranger over a drink, open up a bit and have a good heart-to-heart talk? Many times, you’ve made a friend by the end of the night.

So, I’m inviting the world to happy hour to meet my friends. Not just any friends…these are amazing, strong, passionate gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals who are living fulfilling lives, serving their communities and contributing to the world. And they have stories. Sometimes juicy, sometimes sad, often hilarious—and always inspiring. These tales are full of hope. And I’m going to get these guests a little drunk and make them spill them all. I believe that once you get to know us, the fear and fences will disappear.

Taking the “It Gets Better” concept one step further, I want to show how much better it can get. What do young gays grow up to be? How do they survive young adulthood, family issues, oppression, adversity and coming out? What careers do they go into? How do they serve their communities?


  • To show LGBT youth what they have to look forward to.
  • To give straight culture a chance to get to know who we really are—beyond the stereotypes—so that, hopefully, the fear of the unknown (and therefore hatred and mistrust) can begin to dissipate.
  • To bring more integration into our own community and show how all of us can get along (gays, lesbians, drag queens, much is unknown and segregated, even among ourselves.)

Guests Just Waiting to Share: (OK, this I'm keeping a secret for now, but please...if you are interested in participating in any way, please send me an email, text, comment, carrier pigeon, etc. I want to hear your story!)


Why Me? Who the heck is Cameron Stiehl, anyway?

I’ve been through it, too. At 14, I was blessed enough to fall in with an amazing group of kids (at a drama festival, shocking!) that were the most fun, creative, intelligent, crazy people I’d ever met. I was in love with them all instantly. After spending a day or two dashing from play to workshop to god-knows-where with these kids, one of them felt the need to confront me directly. His name was Johnny and I will never forget him.

“Cami,” he said. “You know we’re all gay, right?”

Ok, I might have had an awareness that they were different somehow than the rest of the kids there, but I think that’s why I felt so comfortable. The only surprising thing to me was that there was a name for it. Gay. And that it was a secret, something to be ashamed of and kept quiet. My mind reeled.

You see, I was brought up in a very liberal way by hippies. Anything-goes kind of hippies who considered “The Joy of Sex” to be a coffee table book. I had assumed the whole world was bisexual (not that I knew there was a name for that either) like me (THAT I knew) and that was the way it was. But this was different.

It was at that point I began to learn and understand about love in all its differently defined forms—and the hatred that accompanied it. It was ON. It became my personal mission to defend myself, Johnny and all those wonderful kids (and the hundreds more I have been lucky enough to become friends and/or lovers with since) from all the ignorant, and sometimes violent, people out there that just don’t get it—yet. They will.

We’ve come so far in the past thirty years since that drama festival but there’s still a ways to go. We don’t have equal rights. Scared kids are still being bullied by their peers—or worse. People are still losing their jobs, friends, family, and sometimes their lives…all because of who they love. I say bullshit. I say come have a drink with me and my friends and let’s build some bridges between us—one cocktail at a time.


Happy Hour - Day One

I certainly can't go to sleep without documenting this momentous occasion: the first real shoot day of my project, Happy Hour with Cameron Stiehl, has finally been accomplished. Did it go perfectly as planned? Nope. But thanks to an AMAZING crew of talented people, it went pretty darn well. This project, which will be a web series (at least at first) coming soon to a YouTube channel near you, is 30 years in the making and means everything to me. It's my way of bringing people together and reaching out to those who may need a little education or understanding or support. I'm doing this by telling stories - the wonderful, rich stories that my LGBT friends are willing to share over a drink or two. Once you get to know these people, it's really easy to love them. I do. Stay tuned for more details...


Mom Thoughts

Fatigue makes for rambling text so forgive me for a possible lack of structure but an entry about this amazing little person who rules my life is long overdue. I'm spending the day with my son, Corin, as I nearly always do on Sundays and as I type, one of my eyes is watching him make his usual rounds of the laundromat on Oak and Divisidero here in San Francisco.
He loves laundry and everything about it. Oh, we aren't actually doing OUR laundry. No. He hasn't got the attention span for that yet (and we have intermittently working machines in our building.) Watching other people do laundry is one of his many obsessions. He loves quarters, soap and watching washers spin. If a friendly patron lets him feed change into their machine, he is giddy with excitement.
The obsessions are mounting in number though. Laundry still weighs in at number one but let's just look at the growing list for a moment. He only wants to wear yellow shirts. He reads the same 10 books over and over and over (granted, they are quality books.) He suddenly refuses to wear his signature high top sneakers and instead wears his summer sandals - with socks. BART train videos on YouTube. But not just any BART trains. BART trains arriving at the Colma stop - which he pronounces "ken." And then there's the dreaded, controversial jellybean video. He loves it. I am totally indifferent. His father however, thinks it sounds like nails on a chalkboard and, therefore, refuses to let Corin watch it. It sounds like nothing to me but I try to manage the obsession by telling Corin the video no longer works on the iPad. He is not amused. The list goes on. Batteries, elevators, Elmopalooza, computers, Best Buy... What's a mom to do!?!


Losers? Or Leaders?

Some people seem to get invited to everything. They have good, close friends as well as lots of acquaintances and social groups and buddies and fans and what have you. Others are quiet and have just a small circle, bonding with a select few. Some feel completely disconnected. Some are happy with what they have, some long for more. Such is the nsture of the social animal that is man. I wonder about those that seem to have trouble with connections. It seems to be a reoccuring theme in a few areas of my awareness right now. What if you're the one seemingly always feeling alone in a crowd or left off the invitation list? Does this mean no one likes you and you should move on or hide yourself away? I admit I have thought so at darker times. But I'm starting to see something different now. Those people most apt to find themselves in those circumstances may be the unrealized leaders.

What do I mean by that? Could be many different reasons for this, I suppose, but what I'm thinking is...those folks are the ones that have the skills, the talents, the ... whatever IT is ... to do something GREAT. They just haven't figured out what it is yet or haven't pushed their fears out of the way to get to it. But it may just be that discomfort that they feel that pushes them to step UP, take control and build whatever it is they need to build. If they were too comfortable, too happy day to day with the status quo, that spark would never ignite and the GREAT IT would never come to be. Gosh, I hope I'm right.


American Zombies - Episode 3!

I am happy to report that Episode 3 is up and it looks great! I'm only in it for a few seconds, so don't blink or anything, but I'm still really happy to be a part of this project and working with such awesome people. There is nothing this team can't do!

Watch it here: Just look out. This one's intense! Grab a box o' tissues and maybe a shotgun.

Reporting the latest zombie events and debates on Box News!